In Memoriam Associate Professor Dr. Livia Zarnea

Pages: 05-07

Prof.univ.dr. Rodica Luca

Another big heart of Romanian Dentistry has left. It is hard to find words to properly depict what Dr Livia Zarnea meant for the Discipline of Paedodontics of Carol Davila University and for Romanian Paediatric Dentistry in general.

Dr Zarnea’s preoccupation for Paedodontics, to which she dedicated her entire professional life, go back since even before 1962, when the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, with its Paedodontics and Orthodontics clinics, was first settled in the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest

In 1956 Dr Zarnea authored the Paedodontic Pathology chapter in the “Clinical and Therapeutic Dentistry” treaty, published by the Medical Editing House under the redaction of Professor Andrei Nass.

After the establishment of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Zarnea, already Senior Lecturer, participates together with Professor Pătru Firu in the drafting of the manual entitled “Pediatric Dentistry”, published in 1973 in Medical Publishing House, being the author of chapters dedicated to pedodontics pathologies. Later, after a book on “Pedodontics” published in the IMF Lithography, Dr. Zarnea published the volume “Pedodontics”, a book published in 1983 in the Didactic and Pedagogical printing house in Bucharest. This book, which was republished in 1993, has been listed as a reference on all topics for national exams and competitions.

From the establishment of the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, until her retirement, Dr. Livia Zarnea coordinated the activity of the Pedodontics clinic. As the first coordinator of the Pedodontics clinic, Dr. Livia Zarnea can be considered the rightful “mother” of the Pedodontics discipline as well as that of the Pedodontics service within the Stomatology Hospital (currently the Clinical Hospital of Oro-maxillo-facial Surgery “Prof. Dr. Dan Theodorescu ”).

Dr. Livia Zarnea, a professional with a theoretical training always up to date and a perfect practitioner, a very good organizer, an elegant person and with a remarkable sense of humour, will always remain the link between the beginnings that belong to her, the future on which foreshadowed the current status of Romanian Pedodontics!

Thank you for everything and goodbye, Doctor!

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